Thursday, September 23, 2004

A Chat with Soldiers about a Holy War

I think the big shame about America is that a majority of everyday Americans revel in their biggotry and ethnocentricity.

The Republicans understand this and they are good at playing into the low brow mentality of the average American. You ask the average "RED BLOODED" American why are we at war with with Iraqis and they say... quote "cause they hate us and will do anything to kill us".

You ask them "why" and they say quote "cause the Koran tells them to 'seek out the infidels and kill them without relenting'"

Wow!! That's the deepth of "Middle America's" comprehension of the situation. And if that's as much as you understand it's okay cause it's human behavior to be slave to the unkown... to fear things they can't comprehend.

So for all of you that think all muslims are just bred to hate us what would you say is the point of going to war??? I don't think most people realize the contradictions in their own answers to this question. You have to remember most Americans don't even understand the concept of contridiction.

Anyway, soldiers answer "I'm risking death to liberate the Iraqi people", in the same breathe they say these muslims they are trying to liberate are brain washed to hate us and kill us... I hope you intelligent readers see the irony in that. How easy it is to brainwash a person, a whole society.

If a soldier feels the problem is that the Koran tells Iraqis to kill Americans.., what good would it do to give them democracy then give them back their Korans. Wouldn't a democratic Iraq that still read the Koran still want to kill Americans? So how does that solve our problem?

I think the real issue that everyone kinda mutually understand but are afraid to say, is that we want to convert muslims to christians. It not a democratic war on terror, but a holy war on muslims in most American's eyes.


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