Wednesday, September 22, 2004

Fear... the biggest business in the U.S.

tisk tisk tisk... it is so easy to sell fear to nervous cowardly Americans.

Glad I'm in the business of fear. Laughing all the way to the bank as half of America cowers in its hovels.

My newest money maker... missile defense system against missles that don't exist and will never be fired... Ha Ha!

I'm making billions from a system that will never save a life... HA HA HA.. I love stupid scared Americans.

Ooops gotta go.. that's my buddy Bush at the door. We're goin out for a beer to discuss what else he can mandate for defense that can make us a buttload of money... lol.

Man I'm glad I've got a buddy that controls how 'illions of tax dollars are spent. DUMB AS SUCKERS ! ! ! You think your vote actually means something? You'll never even get close to where the money and power is. Buh bye now.


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