Tuesday, September 21, 2004

Would "you" be honest about your agenda?

Dear American Public,

I'm writing about terror in the world, namely the middle east and other oil bearing countries of the world like Rwanda. I think Bush (that's me btw in the third person - heh heh - it's my Dole impersonation) -- anyway.. Bush is doing a great jop protecting our oil interests from uncooperative, greedy, capitalist governments and the terrorist cells and families of wealth and power they are in collusion with. Without asserting our military strenght to force these undeserving heathens to yeild to our demands, they would get rich from our dependence on fossil fuels.

If it wasn't for W. Bush (that's me again with my Dole impersonation, in case you forgot) and others that "personally" (remember I spent some time in the Guard during war time just like many of my fellow fallen Guardsmen today) oh where was I.. oh yeah, if it was for us that "personally" and patriotically protect our national interest of being the wealthiest and most powerful nation on Earth, then surely these countries would exploit our need for their natural resources to get wealthy themselves and that would be "Just Plain UNAMERICAN" to let them do that.

So long as we are one of the few powerhouses with WMD's and the most powerful military forces on Earth, we should control all wealth opportunities at all costs.

And of course, I'd like to take a second to say I think it's a tribute and the highest honor to be able to die for our country's rich and powerful and their covert agendas.

Thank you very much,

George W. Bush (Republican & Halliburtican)

p.s. ...and you know what the dubleya stands for baby!!! WOMEN ! ! ! . . .

oh p.s. again...

Don't forget to get out and vote to help us rich folk get richer would ya. And never forget, the deaths of our poors sons and daughters have not gone without good cause and due recognition. Hell, in the last three months alone I made 2.3 million dollars in "referral fees" from Halliburton, so I'd like to extend out a personal thanks to all you dead guys (please shop at our sponsor Costco for your casket - thank you).

The kicker is... (and all you business men and "women" and oh, I never forget the "minority" business owners too) all I had to do was give out about 1,000+ shiny plastic purple hearts (which I got at a steal from our sponsor Costco for $4.99). What a country! Who ever figured out you put a fancy uniform and a few shiny trinkets on a poor innocent boy, and his mamma will be happy to have him die to help my Halliburton guys get rich, was a damn genius.

What a great deal I got goin on here. Rile these poor folk up to go send their sons and daughter to war to kill some sandniggers and get rich at the same time. It's like killing two birds with one stone -- hell, actually more like a whole damn flock with one WMD -- hell, actually real WMD's just the promise of WMD's heh heh -- SUCKERS!

I git population control on the mostly poor democratic contigency of americans and their sons and daughters (mostly enlisted folk - and sorry to you Republican officers, but if you were of any real importance to me our my "inner circle" of filthy rich and powerful republicans, you wouldn't have your ass in that sling in the first place) and I git to rattle them damn heathen sandniggers so I can count on them to never stop hating us (I see a long prosperous future in war contracts - you're welcome Hali), and speaking of Hali, I make a few bucks in the process (chump change really when compared to other wartime and conflict payola from military weapons and sytems and support corporations) and the real feather in my cap is, I become an American hero all at the same time to boot... damn I got it good.

Well before I blabber on too much, thanks agian. ;-) And remember, don't forget to vote to git them damn heathen Iraqis (hell, if I can dupe Kerry to gimme the authority to kick some ass and sign some contracts, I can dupe anyone). Vote! It's the patriotic thing to do - cause remember, I too honorably served my time in our National Guard to put "my very own" life on the line (heh heh) with all my other rich frat buddies.... So trust me I am a true patriot too.

Thank ya again,

George W. Bush (that's W! for Dubbleya Money!)


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