Friday, October 01, 2004

"I Know How These People Think" - Bush

I know how these people think...

I see your point mr pres... you want all the votes from us dopey dumbshits that just need you to repeat a few catch phrases over and over again, without really saying anything of merit to gain my confidence.

Just keep saying "it's hard work" and "stay the course" and not much else and I'm sure every "hard working" no complex cognitive ability possessing American, like myself, will vote for you.

I call it politics for dummies...

Check out a BLOG of facts and issues, not just catch phrases about tough contests (btw I think my daddy and beat up your daddy so hah! lol

some people just never get it. but i know my faith tells me to follow him regardless of what makes sense... tisk tisk..
and i truly learned nothing new because not only do i have tunnel vision, i had my eyes closed and i was humming "la la la... i can't hear you" everytime anyone but my fearless leader talked... lol and especially when any FACTS were spoken.

i didn't learn a damn thing new and never will.. lol (that's me mocking, for you dopes out there)


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